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2023瑞士在台教育展 Swiss Education Fair in Taiwan (瑞士教育推廣聯盟 Swiss Education Promotion Alliance)

2024 瑞士在台教育展 Swiss Education Fair in Taiwan
10/26 (六) 13:00-16:30 詳細資訊敬啟期待
台北 W飯店 W Hotel Taipei 11樓 策略會議室

Business School Lausanne(洛桑商學院)

洛桑商學院(Business School Lausanne, BSL)在1987年由 John Hobbs 教授創立於瑞士沃州日內瓦湖畔的洛桑。1997年,本校加入瑞士知名蕾曼尼亞教育集團(Lemania Group of Swiss Private Schools)。洛桑商學院的商管學士學位(BBA)、商管碩士學位(MBA)及企管博士學位(DBA)皆由美國商學院聯盟(ACBSP)所認證。2010年本校加入歐洲管理發展基金會(EFMD)會員認證,也是全球永續產業商學院理事會(WBSCSB)創始校。

2011年本校與瑞士聖加倫大學(University of St.Gallen)合作開辦永續產業 (綠能產業)課程。2011至2012間新開設三個碩士課程,包含全球行銷碩士(MSc in Global Marketing)、精品/奢侈品管理碩士(MSc in Luxury Management)及管理碩士(MSc in Management)。BSL1



  • 通過負責任的領導促進可持續發展的世界
  • 擁抱我們作為管理和業務教育工作者的責任
  • 教育和發展能夠應對全球性挑戰,在未來幾十年的領導人
  • 提供應用和面向未來的研究的智囊團來解決社會迫切問題,可以由企業來解決
  • 參與公開辯論,以轉變經濟體系



商學院洛桑躋身歐洲頂級商學院和3之間的RD在瑞士的QS全球200商學院報告2013/14。該評級提供了世界上最知名,最有價值的商學院雇主,根據輸入提供給QS超過2,000誰的雇主積極招聘MBA畢業生的詳細介紹。200強排名中, 只有65間歐州大學排名以內,BSL是公認的素質教育和實踐學習。





商學院洛桑被認可的認證委員會商業學校和課程(ACSBSP) ,認可機構的商業教育由美國正式認可。該ACBSP認證,其中包括國際約2’400高等教育機構,確保BSL學位的承認


BBA : Bachelor degree   3年商管學士或3年商管雙學士(瑞士加愛爾蘭2張學士)

MBA: 1年企管碩士

BSL瑞士洛桑商學院+法國巴黎大學 雙學位(中文):

瑞士洛桑商學院(BSL)+法國巴黎Est Créteil Val‐de‐Marne大學(UPEC)





法國巴黎Est Créteil, Val‐de‐Marne大學正式成立於1970年,通常被稱為Paris XII或UPEC。它是一所提供英語語言學學士課程的大型公立大學。並受到當地國家教育部認可,讓學生可以在公立或私立大學中繼續高等教育和攻讀碩士學位。



  • ●瑞士洛桑工商管理商學院學士學位
  • ●法國巴黎Est Créteil Val‐de‐Marne大學AEI國際工商管理法國學士學位



在洛桑商學院,學生將按照工商管理課程的安排,在1.5或2年內完成28個核心課程。在春季參與此課程的學生則需在一年半內完成, 而在秋季加入此課程的學生,需在二年完成此28個課程。該核心課程將根據入學時間不同而有所差異


課程內容 –自九月開始至五月中旬,學生在2個學期期間將完成20個課程,之後完成實習訓練,並持續至8月底。學生該學年的學術報告預計在九月初完成,並在11月/ 12月畢業。

實習訓練 – 在第二學期(6月上旬)結束,學生將必須3-4個月的實習。實習報告將在實習結束後提交,作為學生評鑒的一部分。學生開始實習之前,都將安排以為顧問為其提供諮詢。

實習可以在世界任何地方進行,雖然學生需自行負責找實習機會,但UPEC每年皆收到數百個職缺,並將其公開在大學部的公告欄中。對於學生在考慮選擇實習國家的接受與否,請參考法國外交部«pays rouge»的列表中查詢。



雙學位學士-法國巴黎Est Créteil Val‐de‐Marne大學



  • ●瑞士洛桑商學院


  • ●法國巴黎Est Créteil Val‐de‐Marne大學



在成功錄取該BBA雙學位課程的同時,則需支付洛桑商學院全額學費。且申請巴黎Est Créteil Val‐de‐Marne 大學課程的學生計畫將完成共28個課程。







如果您需要了解更多有關巴黎Est Créteil Val‐de‐Marne大學的資訊,請訪問www.en.u-pec.fr或請UPEC招生人員與您直接聯絡。

BSL瑞士洛桑商學院+法國巴黎大學 雙學位(英文):

Business School Lausanne (BSL) + Paris–East Créteil Val‐de‐Marne University (UPEC)

Bachelor of Business Administration
Double Degree Option with the University of Paris–East Créteil Campus

Who is it for?

It is a perfect match for students who want to study in more than one country, gain international exposure, and look for a dynamic and challenging learning environment. The Double Bachelor degree gives you a competitive edge in the job market.

The University Paris‐Est Créteil Val‐de‐Marne was inaugurated in 1970 and is commonly referred to as either Paris XII or as UPEC. It is a large public university with an English language Bachelor program. It has a state degree accreditation, which allows students to continue their studies with a master’s degree at a public or private university.

Double Degree

With the successful completion of the BBA Double Degree Option, you will receive two degrees:

  • Bachelor of Business Administration from Business School Lausanne
  • Diplôme National Français de Licence en AEI International Business from Paris‐Est Créteil Val‐de‐Marne University (Equivalent to a Bachelor’s Degree in France)

Program and Courses

Business School Lausanne

At BSL, students will follow the Bachelor of Business Administration program and complete 28 mandatory core courses in 1.5 or 2 years at BSL. Students starting the program in Fall will complete 28 courses in 2 years (and the full program in 3 years). Students starting the program in Spring, will complete 28 courses 1.5 years (accelerated) (and the full program in 2.5 years).

Note that the core courses will vary depending on starting term of program.

Paris‐Est Créteil Val‐de‐Marne University

At UPEC, students will complete coursework and an internship over a period of 12 to 13 months. This means that the study program is longer and finishes only by mid‐September. All courses are in English.

Course work ‐ Students will complete 20 courses over 2 semesters, starting in September and until mid‐May. This is followed by the required internship that will last until end of August. The final report is due in early September, and students will graduate by November/December.

Internship ‐ At the end of the second term (early June) students will start a mandatory 3‐4 month Internship. At the end of the internship, a report will be submitted as part of the final assessment.Students are assigned an advisor for the internship report before they start the internship.

The internship can be carried out almost anywhere in the world and although students are responsible to find their internship, UPEC receives hundreds of vacancies for students that are publicly announced at the university department. For choice of countries for the internship, see the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs list of « pays rouge » where they cannot be accepted.

Note: Since UPEC academic year ends at the end of September and the BSL graduation is in mid‐September, students doing this Double Degree will attend their final graduation at BSL in Septemberof the following year.

Business School Lausanne ‐ Double Degree Option with Paris‐Est Créteil Val‐de‐Marne University


Students will receive transfer credits for the successful courses completed at UPEC and vice versa.

Both degrees will have a total of 200 ECTS:

Business School Lausanne

  • 140 ECTS
  • 28 courses, each worth 5 ECTS credits

Paris‐Est Créteil Val‐de‐Marne University

  • 60 ECTS
  • 20 courses plus internship.

5 ECTS credits is the equivalent of 125 hours of study

Program Fees and Application Process for Paris‐Est Créteil Val‐de‐Marne University

Upon successful admission to the BBA Double Degree program, all tuition fees are payable to BSL.

Admission to the Paris‐Est Créteil Val‐de‐Marne University program will be on the proviso that all 28 courses at BSL are successfully completed.

You will be required to submit an application for UPEC during your last term at BSL Information will be provided by the BSL program coordinator. As soon as the final grades are received, your final transcript will be sent to UPEC and their admissions team will then process your application and send you the final offer.

Visa for France

Students from outside of the European Union will need to apply for a student visa to study in France. Advice and support will be given directly from the UPEC admissions officer.

Accommodation in Paris

UPEC offers support to find accommodation in the vicinity of the university campus, but each student is responsible to apply for their own apartment or student dormitory.

Should you need more specific information about Paris‐Est Créteil Val‐de‐Marne University, visit www.en.u‐ or ask us to put you in contact with the UPEC admissions officer directly.